Stockwell Day Destocks Humanity
Stockwell Day has decided, without consultation, that Canada will no longer intercede on behalf of its citizens sentenced to death in other democratic countries. It seems he doesn't want to waste government money on getting another person into a Canadian prison. I guess he doesn't want to waste government time on voting in Parliament on whether or not Canada should continue its 45 year policy of not supporting capital punishment.
"Mr. Harper and Mr. Day are trying to accomplish indirectly that which they have no authority to do directly." - Dan McTeague, Liberal MP. Damn right.
Damn Right. I like you Mr Harper. Don't be an ass.
(Excuse my language. Vulgarity is the flavour of language, which adds perfect expression at times when it actually merits use. If the word "ass" offends your Evangelicalism, I apologize.)
I should also add that the condemned man, guilty of murder 25 years ago, proved his penitence by requesting the death sentence. However, he changed his mind and tried to get it lowered to a life sentence. For Christ's sake, have mercy.